I’ve been a food writer and cookbook reviewer since 2001, although it’s probably fair to say that I’ve never not loved food.

I live and breathe cookbooks, both because I love them and because it’s my job; my kids have grown up on nightly recipe-testing.  In one sense, our family rarely travels.  But in another sense, we travel every night–by eating the food of places and people we may never get the chance to see in person.

My reviews appear in the Boston Globe, at NPR, and at eatyourbooks.com.   (I’m also a regular contributor to NPR’s Kitchen Window series, and I’ve written stories for AOL, the Associated Press, and many other publications.) But I see and use cookbooks more than the occasional review can accommodate.

This blog is a gathering place for everything I do with cookbooks.  It’s a place to find out what cookbooks I’m testing at any given moment.  It’s a place to find out about some of the best new recipes in real time, as they’re being tested.  And it’s also a place to find my published reviews.

When I’m not writing about food or cooking food, I enjoy growing it, both at the school across the street with my children and their friends and at my own house.

Click here for a complete list of my publications.

If you’d like to reach me directly, you can use the contact form below: